Friday, January 21, 2011

Our History In Video!

In 2009 we began making videos to spread the word about, and then later document, Potter Day. We began with this humorous romp...

Things took a dramatic turn in 2010 with our new game/puzzle: "The Horcrux Hunt." Several of our cast - then referred to as 'The Inquisitorial Squad' - prepared the scene with some foreboding warnings. (The parts of Tonks and Lupin were depicted by different volunteers back then.)

And because we really can't stop ourselves from gravitating towards silliness...

The next year, 2011, saw the creation of our own mythology: Yensid's School of Sorcery and Necromancy. Participants were from this moment forward sorted into the Houses of Dashwood, Willowdell, Rickett, and Grizcom. This was the beginning of an ongoing story that lasted until the conclusion of Potter Day itself. This was also the year that the nature of our game shifted into the genre of 'whodunit.'

Videographer S.G. Cunningham was present and created this magnificent video of the day's festivities and the big reveal at the end of the day:

No video (that we know of) captured the game or reveal in 2012. However the Horcrux Hunters of Willowdell House were good enough to create this fantastic video of Potter Day in 2013: (The mystery reveal begins around the 7 minute mark.)

Because we hadn't shot anything ourselves in a while, we made this video to spread the word that our story was reaching its climax in 2014:

This video, also created by S.G. Cunningham, was made after the final Potter Day so that everyone could see how the story of Yensid's resolves, and allowed us to say a fond farewell to the friends we had made over the years:

Lastly, here's another video taken by the Horcrux Hunters as tribute and thanks to the 30+ volunteers, "The Faculty," who made Potter Day what it was.